over 750
Successful Projects Completed!
Over 35 years
Industry Experience
Current projects:
- Keshen Goodman Library
- RBC Office FitUP
- NSCC Akerley Campus – Student Housing
- IWK Refrigeration
- Dartmouth General Hospital MRI
- Ragged Lake Transit Center (RLTC) E-Bus Storage Garage Addition
- Chocolate Lake Community Center
- South Shore Regional Hospital
- D22 Dockyard
- Farnell Packaging Spot Cooling & Fan Upgrades
- IWK Pediatric OR Suites Renovation
- IWK Histology
- IWK Link 4
- NSCC IT Campus – Dental Suite Renovation
- Stadacona S90
- QEII New Generation Robie Street Services Relocation
- Dartmouth General Hospital ADL & Pelvic
- Kentville Elevator
- Vimy Arms
- Dalhousie University A.L MacDonald
- Dalhousie University Beaty Center for Marine Biodiversity
- Halifax Infirmary Expansion Project – Cutting and Capping
- Dalhousie CHEB 4th & 5th Floor
- Halifax Fire Head Quarters
last updated April 2024
Previous projects:
- Port Williams Elementary School
- QEII Redevelopment Project
- Woodside Ferry Terminal
- Dartmouth North Community Center
- Saint Andrews Community Center
- Dalhousie Dentistry
- Dartmouth Ferry Terminal
- Dalhousie Atomizer
- Winner Halifax Shopping Center
- EfficiencyONE Office Renovation
- Spryfield Lions Rink – Electrical Upgrade & Renovation Phase 1
- Department of Education
- Transportation Centre, NSCC Akerley Campus
- Twin Oaks / The Birches, Link Addition & Lift Renovations
- Upgrades, Royal Antillery Park, Building 02
- Upgrade Electrical Utilities, HMC Dockyard Tunnels
- Uplands Park Wastewater Treatment Facility UV Disinfection Upgrades
- Various Upgrades, Tempest Shield, Building S17, Stadacona, CFB Halifax
- Wellington Wastewater Treatment Facilty Replacement, Wellington, NS
- Stadacona S80
- Stadacona S18
- CBC Radio Canada – Halifax Consolidation
- Boilers and Stack Replacement, Tower 1, Purdy’s Wharf, Halifax
- Boilers and Stack Replacement, Tower 2, Purdy’s Wharf, Halifax
- DTIR – Miller Lake Facilities Heat Recovery Unit Replacement, Fall River
- HIAA – Tender CC00181, Electrical and Data Room HVAC Upgrades, Enfield
- Spryfield Lions Arena Renovations, Halifax
- 12 Wing Shearwater Decontamination Shelter, CFB Shearwater
- 6TH Floor Pharmacy Bio-Safety Hood Exhaust, Victoria Building
- 6024 Quinpool Road, “Relish Burger”, Halifax
- Airport Screening Facility, Halifax International Airport
- BIO Jetty Extension
- Blood Services – QEII Halifax Infirmary
- Building D175 Baghouse Replacement, HMC Dockyard
- Capital Spry Lodge Elevator Addition
- Cardiac Catheter Lab, Level 6, Halifax Infirmary, QEII, Halifax
- CDHA Arthritis Research, 6TH Floor, Rehab Building
- CDHA – Bayers Road Site, Diabetic Office Ventilation
- CDHA – Bayers Road Site, Mental Health Offices
- CDHA – CEC Emergency Renovation, Musquodoboit Valley Memorial Hospital
- CDHA – Community Living Initiative, Dartmouth
- CDHA – Core Lab, Mackenzie Building, Levels 1 & 2
- CDHA – Dartmouth General Hospital, Air Plenum
- CDHA – Diagnostic Imaging, Dickson Building, VG Site, Halifax
- CDHA – Dickson Building, Dialysis Plumbing and Drainage Modifications, Halifax
- CDHA – Halifax Infirmary, AHU no. 7 and no. 11 Floor Replacements
- CDHA – Halifax Infirmary, 4th Floor Exam Rooms
- CDHA – Halifax Infirmary, 6th Floor Catheter Lab Demolition, Halifax
- CDHA – Halifax Infirmary, 8th Floor Ventilation Modifications, Halifax
- CDHA – Halifax Infirmary, Coil Replacements
- CDHA – Lab Renovation, MacKenzie 7th Floor, VG Site, Halifax
- CDHA – Level 4 Roof, AHU no. 6 Replacement, Dickson Building, VG Site, Halifax
- CDHA – MacKenzie Building, 5th Floor, Lab Renovations, Halifax
- CDHA – MacKenzie Building, 7th Floor Grossing Lab, Halifax
- CDHA – Ortho Treatment Renovation Phase 1 and 2
- CDHA – Pathology Offices, MacKenzie Building, 6th Floor, VG Site, Halifax
- CDHA – Replacement of Nucelar Medicine Air Handling Unit, Dickson Building, VG Site Halifax
- CDHA – Twin Oaks Memorial Hospital, Washroom Renovations, Musquodoboit Harbour
- CDHA – Veterans Memorial Building, Cart Wash
- CFB Halifax, Renovation to Specialist Service Clinic, Building S80, Stadacona
- CFB Halifax, Stadacona Steam Distribution Upgrade, Phase 3
- Chronical Herald, Head Office Relocation
- Cogswell Tower, Chiller Piping Renovation
- Construct New Elevator for Building WL-7
CRA – Space Optimization Project, 10th Floor Renovations and HVAC Revisions Floors 1-10, Ralston Building, Halifax - D-187 Oily Waste Renovations
- D200 Washroom Upgrades – Halifax Dockyards
- DCC – JRCC Windsor Park
- Damper Replacement – Halifax Infirmary & Veterans’ Memorial Hospital
- Dartmouth Hospital Exhaust
- DCC Operations Centre, S-89 Marine Security Mechanical Upgrade
- DCC Submarine Battery Shop
- Diagnostic Imaging, MRI Replacement, Halifax Infirmary Site
- Diagnostic Imaging, Level 3, Victoria Building
- Dickson Building, Cancer Centre Suite
- Dickson Dialysis Acid Drainage Uprades, QEII, Halifax
- DND – DMOC Infrastructure Upgrade, Building S17, Stadacona, CFB Halifax
- DND – UPS Upgrade Building S80, CFB Halifax
- DND – Victoria Class Communication Trainer (Shield) HVAC Replacement, Building S17, Stadacona, CFB Halifax
- DRDC Addition, Building 1, CFB Halifax
- Duke Tower Air Intake Modifications
- Eastern Shore District High School Boiler Replacement
- Eastern Turf Equipment Leasehold Fit-up, 580 Wright Avenue, Dartmouth
- ENT Research, 3RD Floor, Dickson Building
- EP Labs, Phase 2, Clinical Research
- EP Labs, Phase 3, VG Hospital, Halifax
- EWSF/CFCSU 2ND & 3RD Floor Renovations
- Fiasco Restaurant Renovation, Halifax
- Halifax Class Modernization, Seacot East, Building S17, Stadacona, CFB Halifax
- Halifax Herald, Roof Platform & Ductwork Modifications
- Halifax Infirmary Mehcanical Room Cooling
- HERC Laboratory Tenant Fit-up, LSRI, Dalhousie University, Halifax
- HRSB – Dartmouth High School New Electrical Upgrade
- HRSB – Prince Andrew High School Electrical Services Upgrade
- HRSB – Prince Andrew High School Tech Ed Renovations, Dartmouth
- HVAC & Lighting Upgrades, Cox Institute, N.S. Agricultural College
- Infrastructure Improvements, Phase 1, Windsor Park Building 64
- Install PTAC Units, Phase 3, S-21 Stadacona
- Install PTAC Units, Phase 4, Stadacona
- Lot 1221A, Wright Avenue, Dartmouth
- Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, AC System Replacement, Halifax (TIR)
- Medical Day Unit, Victoria Building, 4th Floor, QEII, Halifax
- Molecular Imaging & Research Centre, V.G. Hospital
- Mount Edward Road Pumping Station, Halifax Water Commission
- MSOC Office Air Conditioning – WP 26
- Musquodobit Hospital Boiler Replacement
- National Defence Building D-201, Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Renovations
- New Offices, Miller Lake Facility
- Northbrook, Phase 2 Renovations
- Northwood Manor Renovations, Level 10 & 11
- NSCC – Akerley Campus Exterior Wall Replacement, Dartmouth
- NSCC – Akerley Campus Kitchen Optimization, Dartmouth
- NSCC – Akerley Campus Sheet Metal Shop & Computer Lab Renovations, Dartmouth
- NSCC – Akerley Campus Welding Shop – HVAC & Controls Tender, Dartmouth
- NSCC – IT Campus C-Wing Exterior Retrofit, Tender L55, Halifax
- NSCC – IT Campus – Phase 3 Renovations, Halifax
- NSCC – IT Campus – Student Learning Facility, Halifax
- NSCC – IT Campus – Tender L15, Halifax
- NSCC – IT Campus – Tender L22, Halifax
- NSCC – Renovations to IT Campus Tender No. L-26, Halifax
- NSCC – Renovations to IT Campus Tender No. L-30, Halifax
- Office Renovations, Hangar 3 Annex, 12 Wing Shearwater
- Pain Management Clinic, Dickson Building, V.G. Hospital
- Pink Larkin Lawyers & Advocats Office Relocation
- PricewaterhouseCoopers – Summit Place
- Prince Andrew High School Chemistry Lab Renovations
- Prince Andrew High School Washroom Renovations
- Prospect Road Community Centre
- Purcells Cove Waste Water Treatment Facility
- Purdy 3 North Barrier Free Washroom Upgrade
- QEII Centennial Building Recladding
- QEII Infirmary, New MRI, Level 500
- QEII, Mackenzie Building, 5TH Floor Lab Equipment RenovationsRA2 Heating System
- Relocate Subsar from D19 – D166
- Renovations for Addiction Services, CDHA
- Renovations to Dahn Lab, Dunn Building, Dalhousie Univeristy, Halifax
- Replace 300 Ton with 2 x 150 Cooling Towers, Building S-82, Stadacona
- S-37 Stadacona Rebuilt Parapet Walls, CFB Halifax
- Salvation Army District Headquarters Relocation [Ventilation], Halifax
- Salvation Army Spryfield Family Resource Centre
- Saint Mary’s University (SMU), 5960 Inglis Street
- Saint Mary’s University (SMU) Infant Daycare Renovations
- Scotia Square, Main Plant New Chiller Piping
- Shed 20 – South Seawall Redevelopment
- Shed 21, Leaseholds Phase 11
- Sir John A. MacDonald Renovations
- Skills Lab, Bethune Building, VG Hospital
- Stadaconca Chapel Renovations
- Stadacona Hospital, S80 Endoscopy Labs
- St. Vincent Du Paul Church Addition
- St. Vincent’s Guest Home – Emergency Electrical Upgrade
- Submarine Trainer HVAC Alterations Building, S100 Stadacona
- Taxi Kiosk Halifax Interfnational Airport
- Telecommunications Upgrade – MDF, CFB Shearwater Wing TIS
- TIR Miller Lake, Building “B”, Heating Boiler Replacement & Heating System Upgrade
- Trade Mart Building Upgrades